The processing time for 100G of data can vary depending on server configurations and parameter settings. For instance, using a Hygon C86 7285H 32-core Processor (2.5GHz), the processing time would be as follows:


a. For samples with a sequencing volume of approximately 10GB, increasing the number of threads doesn't significantly decrease analysis time but it greatly inflates memory usage. Therefore, it is recommended to use between 2 and 8 threads for a library of this size.


b. For samples with a sequencing volume close to 100GB, setting the number of threads below 24 doesn't significantly increase memory usage, but it can notably decrease analysis time. When the number of threads is set above 24, memory usage sharply increases. Therefore, for libraries of around 100GB, it's recommended to use between 16 and 24 threads.


c. Both running time and memory consumption are related to the size of the fastq data and the number of threads configured. For a library size reaching 300GB, it's recommended that the memory allocation for analysis should not be less than 64GB.